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I am a Child of God, Wife, and Mother. This is my story.

Monday, 24 September 2012

The Cost

It can be amazingly easy to 'fake it.'
We don't hate each other, so when we're not butting heads, living together can be tolerable, and even quite pleasant at times.
You almost forget that things underneath all the "sweetie", "honey" and "babe's" there's a huge tangle of a mess.

We've decided to have a weekly date night, and so chose Monday to have it, as we have easy access to family members babysitting for us.
This will be our third date in 6 months, and all we're doing is going out for coffee at 4pm.

It's a time for us to have some time to look over the past week and talk about 'The Relationship'.
A time to share the good as well as the bad.

We're also, probably going to this: http://powertochange.com/familylife/events/weekend-to-remember/
A marriage conference/weekend retreat that will be going on just a couple hours from where we live.
Husband is happy enough to go, but several things are making me cautious:
1) Baby is still nursing, though at 13 m.o would probably be fine spending the weekend with the Grandparents.
2) The cost.

I know you can't put a price on your marriage, but I'm a tad peeved that the one retreat we're thinking of going to is the 2nd most expensive for accommodations.
It's $200.00 for the conference alone, then on top of that, you pay for your own accommodations, which at the place it's being hosted charges $139.00 a night, oh and there's still food to pay for as well.
That's a lot of money to spend when your husband is retraining and in college.

But we need to make a decision soon.

We'll see.

- The Good Wife

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